Sunday, February 24, 2019

Internship : Post 8

This week i am continuing to build and create more slides for Malkia's pitch book. I am trying to make them extremely clean but yet have each slide be simple yet diverse. I want every image to have powerful depth and texture to it. I will most likely research more photo editing techniques, as i am a bit rusty, but i do have a general idea on how to make images pop. 
I am constantly working with Malkia to troubleshoot, what she likes/does not like. What i can do to make it better, and what is missing etc. I have to see with her if she would rather i do minimal artistic editing and if she wants the images to speak for themselves. 
I am working on image 4 of the pitch deck. In this design i had to work with two separate images that Malkia wanted to sit next to each other side by  side. So i had to think of a way to make them not dominate each other. So for the larger photo that had more space (the woman) i shifted it si that the smaller image can fit happilly near and only slightly off center to the woman. I gave each of the images a backdrop shadow so that the text could be readable and legible. And i continued my play on color to make the names pop. I think this is my favorite design, and there's still one more thing that i am considering doing to it. I believe it is a very successful design. 
Attached is the design sample of the work:

Internship : Post 7

This week i am continuing to build and create more slides for Malkia's pitch book. I am trying to make them extremely clean but yet have each slide be simple yet diverse. I want every image to have powerful depth and texture to it. I will most likely research more photo editing techniques, as i am a bit rusty, but i do have a general idea on how to make images pop. 
I am constantly working with Malkia to troubleshoot, what she likes/does not like. What i can do to make it better, and what is missing etc. I have to see with her if she would rather i o minimal artistic editing and if she wants the images to speak for themselves. 
I am working on image three of the pitch deck. In this design i decided to make the powerful image the focus, (choir conductor orchestrating the choir and helping them practice). I used the wording that dealt with "roads" and decided to create a backdrop that looked like a road pavement with yellow marks, i lowered the opacity, so attention could be emphasized on the image and the text rather than the backdrop and i am satisfied with how it turned out.  
Attached is the design sample of the work:

Internship: Blog Post 6

This week i am continuing to build and create more slides for Malkia's pitch book. I am trying to make them extremely clean but yet have each slide be simple yet diverse. I want every image to have powerful depth and texture to it. I will most likely research more photo editing techniques, as i am a bit rusty, but i do have a general idea on how to make images pop. 
I am constantly working with Malkia to troubleshoot, what she likes/does not like. What i can do to make it better, and what is missing etc. I have to see with her if she would rather i o minimal artistic editing and if she wants the images to speak for themselves. 
I am working on image two of the pitch deck. In this design i decided to make the powerful image the focus, (choir woman performing infront of President Reagan) and the text engaging, but minimal. So i creatively colored the "W'' and finished off the rest of the sentence. 

Attached is the design sample of the work:

Internship: Blog 5

This week i am continuing to build and create more slides for Malkia's pitch book. I am trying to make them extremely clean but yet have each slide be simple yet diverse. I want every image to have powerful depth and texture to it. I will most likely research more photo editing techniques, as i am a bit rusty, but i do have a general idea on how to make images pop. 
I am constantly working with Malkia to troubleshoot, what she likes/does not like. What i can do to make it better, and what is missing etc. I have to see with her if she would rather i d
o minimal artistic editing and if she wants the images to speak for themselves.
In this image i still have to make a few edits, but i am trying to get both images to coexist withhin this tight space or format. i may be blowing the canvas us just a bit more so that is feasible.
Attached is the design samples of the rest of the work:

Internship : Blog 4

This week i received the header image for the look book that i would be helping Malkia create. I then went into photoshop, where i will be doing a majority of the work, and creating the slides for the lookbook there. I played with several concepts and designs, such as playing around with the text an adding blurbs and bubbles. 
I am constantly working with Malkia to troubleshoot, what she likes/does not like. What i can do to make it better, and what is missing etc. 
I learned that i should keep things simple. For a lookbook, or a pitch. Professionalism is a must, so the text shouldn't be so busy. I made improvements and she ended up loving my final design.
Attached is the design samples and work:

Internship : Blog Post 3

Today Malkia introduced the concept of a Lookbook. The idea is to have several images that really captures the idea and theme of the reunion choir. It also serves a purpose to focus the images and introduce some of the pioneers behind the concept.

I am working with Malkia on what is called a pitch deck. She will be pitching this message to a third party to help sponsor the documentary and choir to help it receive more national and widespread attention, on a topic that should have had more news coverage in the past. The success in 1988 of the Eastern Choir musical group & their inspirational story on how they were able to band together and make it into the final rounds of a music competition and their success all over the world. 
I have posted a few images on some of the in progress text that will be placed into the pitch deck slides below:

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Internship Report: Blog 2

Currently i am still building the foundations of the Omekka website, recently discussed in my Blog 1 post. The concept of the website is to create a collection, and the plot images with minimal descriptions  about what that portion of the exhibit entails. 
I am working with Malkia on this. Just troubleshooting and ensuring there is steady and constant communication as far as what she has in mind, as well different alternatives, if this website does not work to digitally archive. 
I have soaked up some knowledge from youtube tutorials on how the website works. From the wired labs at Duke University. They are one of the pioneers for the website and their tutorials have taught me how to manipulate the software to work for me. 
A lot of time was just spent plugging in images, and generating title and creating items, which could be later manipulated and stored into collections, which the Exhibitions were all about. Fun process. 

Samples: See Attached.